Exclusive Educational Opportunities

Searchable Topical Forums

Actionable Expert Advice

Community Challenges

Online Events & More!

A community is elevated when it values unique perspectives and ideas & joins together in the pursuit of mastery in a craft. 

Your unique perspectives, ideas and ambitions are welcome here and your contributions will make a lasting impact within the dahlia community.

A community is elevated when it values unique perspectives and ideas & joins together in the pursuit of mastery in a craft. 

Your unique perspectives, ideas and ambitions are welcome here and your contributions will make a lasting impact within the dahlia community.

Why Join?


Quit wasting your time cutting through the usual online clutter and get right to the good stuff. Enjoy topical forums with searchable threads and access to expert advice. It's time to say goodbye to endless online rabbit trails and going in ten different directions while getting no closer to a solution.


No buy-sell-trade posts. NO SPAMMING. No BS. We’ve left all that out so that our culture and focus is on prioritizing authentic relationships that elevate one another and the practice of growing dahlias – no matter whether you're growing for pleasure, for profit or for a living.


Connect with real people using their real names who prioritize respectful & productive engagement in support of the Community Mission so that we can all feel free to be our authentic selves in a positive and supportive community of peers.


This is NOT a Facebook Group or other online community built on top of any social media platform. All the stuff you like – it's on. All the stuff you can’t stand – it's gone. This is Community built to serve us, not advertisers and influencers, so we can all focus on what matters.


Also Featuring

Community Ambassadors

With designated Community Ambassadors ranging from backyard hobby gardeners to full-time farmer-florists and cut flower farmers, we're here to welcome you and get you plugged in. Whether you've just begun your journey or are an old hand with dahlias, come find your people here!

Community Challenges

Participate in regular Challenges designed to foster deeper connection while keeping you motivated and moving forward with your own personal goals and professional growth!

Exclusive Educational Opportunities, Online Events & More!

At Coseytown Flowers we're here for getting as many people as possible participating and thriving in the journey to discover and grow amazing dahlias. Excited for what's next? This is the place to be!

"Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together"

-James Cash Penney

Want a Peak Inside?

Join the Community Photo Challenge

Take action now and get all those images you'll be wanting and needing in the off-season!


⭐Bonus - get started with a FREE PDF of 40+ awesome photo ideas when you join today!



Join a discussion in the Hybridizer Hub! What innovations will be discovered next?


Check out this conversation about how to safely and practically navigate caring for dahlias - and kids!